The Purpose of Your CV

The purpose of the CV is to get a meeting. Forget the CV and just get the meeting. The “North Star” concept is: “Meet Your New Boss.”
You have to be talking to someone who can technically be your new boss if you are to get a new job. Often candidates apply to online job advertisements and speak to headhunters. Neither one can give you a new job. The process I use in my course on is a clear way to get a meeting with a decision-maker who can literally be your new boss.
Instead of sending a CEO your CV and asking for a meeting to discuss your career, send him an email titled “Highest-paid CMO in the World Shares His Branding Strategy,” or “Why Western Marketing Strategies Fail in the Middle East – CMO of Nike and Walmart,” or “Three Ways Digital Marketing Can Increase Your Profits.” Send an email with a hard-hitting subject line, and you can be sure the content will definitely get read and noticed.
Your CV will be deleted or sent into a candidate data base if you send it to the CEO. Send them thought leadership content that helps them do their jobs better and you will have them eating out of the palm of your hand.
In the future, you need to create content which highlights the value your profession brings to the table and also presents yourself as a thought leader and guru in your field. If you have been furloughed, let go or restructured, now is a great time to try your hand at creating some interesting thought provoking content. That is the CV of the future.