The Career Tarot

The world is influenced by forces beyond our comprehension. Human spirituality has existed in every culture ever known to humankind. The origin of the tarot cards is mysterious, with many experts unable to agree on which century and in which geography they emerged. In the last 200 years, it has been observed that these cards are used by the Roma Gypsies to receive spiritual guidance and insight into the future.

These cards, The Career Tarot, have been created to provide insight into your career and what may lay around the next corner of your professional journey.

27 cards have been designed and can be used to provide a tarot reading to anyone who chooses a card, making this deck easier to use than other larger decks. Click on each card below to reveal the definitions and symbolism of each card.

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You have chosen the rabbit. The rabbit is a loving, gentle animal known for its kindness. However, when it comes to protecting its family, it has even been known to defeat a snake in combat. These seemingly cute animals are, in reality, resilient and tough . They hold deep symbolism in society, with multiple layers of meaning. On the surface, they symbolize fertility and creativity, attributed to their quick reproductive abilities, a trait underscored by their unending energy. Notably, the Energizer battery company chose the rabbit as their mascot.

This card may indicate that you are entering a phase in your career where you will experience a productive spurt, and your creative and innovative energies will flow continuously. Expect bursts of energy, and anticipate that some of the best work of your career lies ahead. This work will not only be fruitful but will lead to the creation of other projects that you cannot envision at the moment, much like the offspring of a rabbit following its parent’s precedent.

The rabbit signifies that now is the time to use your natural born leadership abilities. Be light and agile on your feet, as the rabbit can change directions quickly and easily, often outperforming its natural nemesis, the fox. Although the fox is recognized as one of the most agile predators, it often cannot match the speed and agility of the rabbit. The rabbit is also associated with spring and new beginnings, representing a creature of tremendous luck. Now, good luck will accompany any new endeavour you embark on.

While you have a large task ahead of you, do not worry. Despite the rabbit’s small size and lack of renowned strength, its ability to tackle colossal tasks is inherent in its DNA. Rabbits are known to chew through almost anything, even oak trees, by taking little bites with their strong teeth. They create deep burrows, forming an underground labyrinth of immeasurable size.

This is telling you that if you are facing a large task, break it into bite sized chunks. Do not get intimidated by the size of the task. Now is not the time to focus on the result but to break down your work into micro tasks and methodically approach it i n small bites. Systematically tear your challenge apart, just like the rabbit can eat through an entire tree by slowly gnawing on its challenge one small bite after another. Do not focus on where your ladder is going, but just on the next step. Move inch b y inch through your task, keeping your focus right in front of you, and you will find success in the long run. This card brings the idiom “the journey of one thousand miles starts with the first step” to life. Do not focus on the pinnacle of the mountain top; now you must focus on just your next step, and then the next, and you will summit your peak.

The rabbit also symbolizes the spiritual and mystical side of our human experience. The saying often attributed to the rabbit is “how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go,” and in the movie “Alice In Wonderland,” she travels through the rabbit hole a s a key step in her journey. This represents the ability of the travel traveller to tap into their subconscious and blend the facts of reality with the mysterious powers of the spiritual realm. This is telling you that some of the answers you need to be successfu l on your journey can only be found inside you. In this sense, the rabbit also holds some magic in its persona as it is the one who has made the proverbial magical rabbit hole that is the portal to a new world and realizations beyond the conscious mind.

The rabbit is also a tricky animal that is cunning and possesses a quick and sharp mind. This is telling you that you must now think on your feet and make decisive decisions with haste. The rabbit uses this cunning to protect its family and teammates. This is brought to life in the Disney character Thumper, as the rabbit will thump its hind legs on the ground to warn other rabbits of approaching danger. It is a protector, and now is the time to protect your company, team, and perhaps the weaker members of your team.

The rabbit is symbolic of being able to use your intuition to navigate terrain that other animals cannot traverse as easily. It can manoeuvre itself through its underground tunnels in pitch darkness. The word “manoeuvre “ means “a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.” This means your direction must also take into account the well being of your teammates. Where other animals cannot see and dare not tread, the rabbit can move with speed. They are comfortable travel travelling in the dark and do not need light to see their way in the dark subterranean tunnels they make for themselves. This can represent a time in your career when your cohorts cannot see the way, but you can. However, not with your eyes, but with your gut, you will be able to cut through the ambiguity your work environment is presenting you with. Now is the time to trust your gut, and you will cut a successful path forward.

The horse card signifies that you have embarked on a great journey or will soon commence one. This journey isn’t physical but rather pertains to your career path. The card highlights that you are about to establish a clear direction and will gallop toward your destination at a great pace. To achieve your goal, you must now move swiftly with the energy and pace of a wild horse. The horse represents resilience and the ability to cover long distances without resting. Like the horse in the picture, you must apply all your faculties and put in long hours to achieve your goal. Wholeheartedly apply yourself and work expediently with haste. The horse also moves with great rhythm. Now is the time for you to find your rhythm and optimize your work. Look for ways to drive efficiency and productivity to get your team working in harmony. Although, despite your tremendous efforts, you may not have seen the fruits of your labour yet, rest assured that it will come. The salamander in the far right of the card represents the wealth and abundance that is to come.

Known for its ability to hurdle obstacles, the horse’s symbolism will transcend into your work. You will now be able to overcome significant challenges, but a reminder not to push your luck. Keep your work at an even rhythmic pace, and do not attempt to ov ershoot your targets. Just like a rider who pushed their horse too hard and was thrown from the saddle as the horse refused to jump. The key is to take things in manageable chunks now and keep your hurdles within your capabilities.

The horse is also a symbol of competition, reflecting the thousands of years humans have been racing horses and enjoying various wagers on them. This means you must tap into your competitive spirit and run in full pursuit of your goals. Now is not the time to aim for a job well done or a good ranking; it is now that you must focus on being the best, aiming for the podium and striving to lead front rank among your peers and cohorts. Aim for first place and nothing less.

A powerful animal with muscles often elegantly bulging from its legs and chest, the horse is also large, but because of its strength, it can move its massive body with ease and even jump in the air effortlessly. This signifies that you have spent time mastering your profession, and now you have the power to gallop forward at a rapid pace. Now is the time to charge toward self actualization, feeling personal power and empowerment. Your soul will be set free, and the skills you have mastered will harness your power to deliver phenomenal results, but only if you dare to trust your intuition.

This power will give you a regal and majestic air as you approach your work tasks. The horse is also a beautiful animal, meaning your attractiveness will be at an all time high. Now, you will be able to rally people around your projects or initiatives as y our peers see you as a strong leader capable of delivering results. Your projects will be attractive to those around you, and you will exude strong charisma, so this is the time to pitch your ideas with confidence, knowing you have the power of the horse s pirit supporting you.

Finally, the horse is a very intuitive animal and is known for its ability to predict earthquakes and storms. You must trust your inner voice and listen to your heart. The horse symbol is telling you to trust your gut and follow it with all your energy. The horse is also a symbol of freedom, so free yourself from external expectations and listen to your heart and soul. Run wild in pursuit of your dreams the horse spirit has empowered you!

The wolf card depicts two wolves howling at the full moon, each representing the eros and Thanos of life, or good and evil. This duality is the polar reality of our existence from night to day, yin to yang, winter to summer. It signifies the need for you to balance your personality. Find your equilibrium and inner harmony with your identity to unlock your potential.

The moon symbolizes spirituality and the mysterious power of our subconscious minds. Listen to your inner spirit and let external influences quiet down to focus on what truly matters to reveal your true path and direction in life.

In front of the wolves is a path that would be too dark to pass at night, but on this particular night, the light of a full moon illuminates their way. This represents the ability to see in the dark, perceiving what others cannot. You are not using your eyes, as in the day with the sun, but seeing with your subconscious mind, receiving spiritual guidance from deep within your soul. You can feel this voice in your gut, but you have not yet been able to hear it in your head. The answers are within you. Your path will be guided spiritually, so look for subtle clues from the inside.

Two wolves are a rare sight, as wolves typically travel in packs. This suggests that other people must join you on your journey, yet to reveal themselves. Keep an eye out for that unique talent that will add value to your team or contribute to your journey.

The wolf symbolizes the hunter, a master predator that chases its prey with cunning and intelligence. It can pick up a scent from a distance, following its target for days before striking at the perfect moment. This card advises you to be strategic in appr oaching your goals.

Position yourself for success and use the right timing when making your move. The wolf is quick and agile, signalling you to move swiftly and work with haste in your career. Do not waste time overanalyzing or waiting for more data; trust your gut and make decisive moves.

The wolf does not second guess itself; it runs at full speed and attacks with full capacity. Similarly, you must be 150% committed and charge forward with everything you have. This card advises you to go for the jugular and close the deal without hesitation.

Being a pack animal, the wolf works effectively with its peers. Now is the time to work harmoniously with your team, ensuring everyone is focused on the goal and working together to achieve results. Build relationships with your team, and soon they will intuitively work together, moving in unison like a wolf pack. If you can achieve this, phenomenal results will follow. Remember, a wolf struggles to kill a moose alone, but as a pack, it can challenge even the mighty grizzly bear. Get your team working together, and nothing will stop you.

The snake represents knowledge and conscious awareness, for it is in the book of Genesis when the snake provides Adam with his consciousness, allowing him to first realize he is naked. For the first time, Adam and Eve became aware. You may not be aware of elements about yourself, those around you, or your environment, which the snake will reveal to you. It is now the time when you will have insight, gain new knowledge, or gain a n ew perspective that will reveal things to you, which were in plain view but you could not see them before. There will be a game changing change of perspective in your life. The things we look at change when we change the way we look at them. We do not see the world as it is; we see the world as we are, and now you will be given insights that will help you become more effective in your work and career.

The snake card can mean that a male figure, or if it is a female, she may have masculine characteristics, will enter your life, and this person will be viewed as a guru or mentor to you. They will pass great knowledge on to you if you can learn from them. As they say, the teacher only appears when the student is ready. To do this, you must increase your humility, for if your ego is too big, you will not be able to hear the lessons the guru has to offer you.

The snake is also a symbol of growth, but the snake must shed its skin when it grows. You too must shed part of your current self for the new one to grow. What is it that you must lose to gain your new skills, capabilities, and wisdom? What is it that you have to let go of before you will be able to take your career to the next level? Only you can know the answer to that question.

The snake is a mystical animal often associated with the spiritual side of existence. The snake card is telling you that more spiritual messages will come to you, but you must be ready to receive them, for the snake is just the beginning of your journey in to the spirit world.

The snake moves quietly along the ground, and its preferred modus operandi is to go unnoticed. It is a shy animal and does not like the limelight. Now is the time in your career to keep yourself quiet and focus on your results. You must keep a “low profile” like the snake. Do not bring attention to yourself but rather work silently and keep fixated on your targets.

The snake can see infrared heat signatures of its prey, which means you must now tap into other mediums of communication and listen to subtle signs your environment and your competitors are sending you. That slight twinkle of the eye or a twitch during a handshake is not to be ignored. Do not discount these micro messages you are receiving. Digest the full realm of data about your situation before calculating your response and action. The snake is a patient hunter, often staying deadly still, taking in all the information it can about a situation before mortally striking its prey.

The snake can also symbolize sensuality, and this will mean that your sex appeal can be high during this time. You may also meet a mesmerizing lover who can compliment you physically.

This can also highlight a creative time as sensuality is the seed of creation. This snake card is telling you that now is the time in your career when you must seek knowledge and enlightenment. For you to take your career to the next level, you must increase your awareness. If you want to grow your bank account, you have to grow your mind.

It is now the time to seek industry thought leaders or professional gurus in your field and exchange ideas with them. Perhaps consider attending an industry conference or reading a few of the best selling books on your profession and then reaching out to t he authors. To be clear, you must actively pursue these new insights and work to acquire this knowledge, for it will not come easy.

The tiger card is a symbol of strength, and now you are approaching a time when you will be at your strongest. You are approaching or will soon be approaching a goal or initiative that has ignited your passion. You must apply your full focus and all of you r faculties in the pursuit of this goal, just as the hunting tiger uses all its senses to zero in on its prey. The cosmos are aligned to bring you success in your efforts, and your pursuits will enjoy a strong tailwind, but remember the tiger hunts alone and embodies unmatched self confidence.

The tiger card means that you are now on a road that you will have to walk alone, or parts of your journey must be experienced in solitude. If you are unsure of yourself or lack self reliance, you may be prone to teaming up with a partner, but the tiger card is telling you that this can be a big mistake. The tiger do es not hunt in a pack; it is most effective as it methodically hunts alone in the jungle. You need to believe in yourself and embody the same level of self confidence, or all will be lost, as your effectiveness will be watered down by partners who will dis tract you from your true purpose and direction. Now is the time for you to follow your instincts with unwavering faith, as the pouncing tiger does not second guess itself.

The tiger also represents the ability to change direction and tactics in the blink of an eye. The tiger can run full speed in one direction and then pivot instantaneously in another direction with breakneck speed. It is the epitome of agility and can even jump straight up and grab a flying bird right out of the air. This is now a time in your career whe when you must be agile and be ready to change approaches, tactics, or methodologies to achieve your goal. As the tiger will swim, climb trees, and jump through the air to make its kill, so too must you be able to quickly switch between approaches to achieve your goals. This is the time to move quickly and be ready to pivot, as like the tiger, you must outflank your competition to win. This is not the time to be stiff or hang on to traditional methods that are not working.

The tiger card also symbolizes the will to win. The tiger does not give up on its goals. When a tiger decides it wants something, it gets it. This is telling you that you must have a strong will and be committed to your goals. Do not yield to anyone or anything. Keep your eye on your targets and quickly move toward them. The tiger card highlights that if you follow the way of the tiger, the results will be swift.

The black widow is a lethal spider who seduces her lover, and once she has extracted the value she seeks from him, she kills him. This card signifies a figure who is looking to access your resources for their gain. They will use your contacts and your ideas, and perhaps even steal your intellectual property for their monetary gain. When receiving this card, you must be wary of protecting your ideas, as perhaps you have a cohort who is picking your brain for ideas which they intend to use for themselves.

In this time, it is important to take time to protect yourself. For example, if you are writing a book, make sure you have registered the copyright. If you have an invention, make sure you have registered the patent. If you are going into a contract or agr eement, make sure you pay the extra money and have a lawyer review it to ensure your interests are protected. This can be something as simple as a rental agreement or the purchase of a property or vehicle. Be sure to double and triple check the people you are transacting with business wise. Take the extra step and do a background check on anyone you are engaging with in any way during this period.

Whatever you do at this junction in your career, do not give people the benefit of the doubt. Double guess everyone’s intentions, and while it is important to be charismatic and engaging with the relationships in your professional network, keep your eyes w ide open to identify the possible black widow among them.

The black widow is also a symbol of power, as it is one of the few spiders on the planet that can kill a human with its bite. This card can be telling you that now you will be at one of your most powerful moments. You are at a point now where you have deve loped a potent mix of skills, and experiences, paired with vision, and ambition. Letting this alloy flow and mix properly will be key to you delivering phenomenal results over the next period.

The spider is also a very independent animal as it lives alone and has to fend for itself from a very young age. You too must now walk alone or there is a task you are approaching in which you must not doubt yourself. You have all the skills and capabilities to do it alone, and you don’t need anyone. While you may feel small for the role you are in or getting into, just like the black widow, you might be small but you are packing a serious bite.

The black widow also hunts in a very patient way. It sets a web and waits for its prey to come to it. It lets its prey tangle itself in the web it has set. If you are facing an adversary, perhaps even internal competition at work, now is the time to give them enough rope to hang themselves. Be patient, pre meditated, and strategic with your competition or adversaries. You will only need to strike at the right time, and you will knock them out of the game for good. Remember, if you are in a conflict, this ca rd is telling you to be patient, and your best action can be like the spider, no action at all. Wait for your adversary to make a mistake and then pounce on them.

The black widow is also resourceful and plans for the future. It will not eat more than it needs and will then store the rest of its prey for later in its web. Be sparing with your resources and measured in your response to things. The black widow is telli ng you to be careful with your finances now and be sure to save something extra for a rainy day.

The lizard is an ancient animal that embodies resilience. The lizard is one of the few animals that can live in the desert. If you are pulling this card, it is highlighting the need to be resilient now, as you are working on a project or pursuing a goal th at will take much longer than you think to achieve. You will be successful, but you must steel yourself and be prepared to persevere. You have now taken or are about to take the first few steps of a thousand miles, so settle in, as this path is a long one. But if you stay the course, you will arrive at your destination.

The lizard is known as a cold blooded animal, so this is telling you that now you need to be a little selfish. If you sacrifice your idea or project to accommodate someone else, you will only hurt the result. You have to stay true to your vision and not co mpromise for the sake of being nice. It is now the time in your life when you have to do what is best for you. This is your moment, so do not water it down to please someone else. It is time to focus on you and your career needs.

Whatever you do at this junction in your career, do not give people the benefit of the doubt. Double guess everyone’s intentions, and while it is important to be charismatic and engaging with the relationships in your professional network, keep your eyes w ide open to identify the possible black widow among them.

The black widow is also a symbol of power, as it is one of the few spiders on the planet that can kill a human with its bite. This card can be telling you that now you will be at one of your most powerful moments. You are at a point now where you have deve loped a potent mix of skills, and experiences, paired with vision, and ambition. Letting this alloy flow and mix properly will be key to you delivering phenomenal results over the next period.

The spider is also a very independent animal as it lives alone and has to fend for itself from a very young age. You too must now walk alone or there is a task you are approaching in which you must not doubt yourself. You have all the skills and capabilities to do it alone, and you don’t need anyone. While you may feel small for the role you are in or getting into, just like the black widow, you might be small but you are packing a serious bite.

The black widow also hunts in a very patient way. It sets a web and waits for its prey to come to it. It lets its prey tangle itself in the web it has set. If you are facing an adversary, perhaps even internal competition at work, now is the time to give them enough rope to hang themselves. Be patient, pre meditated, and strategic with your competition or adversaries. You will only need to strike at the right time, and you will knock them out of the game for good. Remember, if you are in a conflict, this ca rd is telling you to be patient, and your best action can be like the spider, no action at all. Wait for your adversary to make a mistake and then pounce on them.

The black widow is also resourceful and plans for the future. It will not eat more than it needs and will then store the rest of its prey for later in its web. Be sparing with your resources and measured in your response to things. The black widow is telli ng you to be careful with your finances now and be sure to save something extra for a rainy day.

The fly symbolizes a dual meaning. On one hand, it can represent death as flies gather around the remains of deceased animals. On the other hand, it signifies rebirth, as flies are the first form of life to emerge on a carcass. This card may indicate the n eed to conclude a project, initiative, or relationship. Additionally, it could suggest caution in entering a potential new business venture.

Moreover, the fly symbolizes rebirth and regeneration from death. Flies uniquely can generate life from decay. Despite experiencing a loss or the end of something in your life, this card suggests that it marks the beginning of a positive new chapter. Just as the fly brings life to a decaying state, you will rise from this loss and experience unforeseen positive transformations.

The fly also represents the metamorphosis and evolution of life. Similar to a fly’s life stages from egg to maggot to an airborne insect, your life is undergoing various phases. Embracing change is essential, recognizing that the end of one stage is the birth of the next. Although there might be a sense of sadness as one phase concludes, it signifies the anticipation of soaring to new heights in your life’s journey. Relax, let nature take its course, and be open to the positive changes that await you.

The ram signifies that you must now confront your challenges head on. It’s a time to be assertive in the workplace and understand that you shouldn’t be apprehensive about conflict.
The ram is a straightforward animal that clearly communicates its intentions and confronts challenges directly. It doesn’t engage in trickery or deceit; instead, it epitomizes the idiom “what you see is what you get.” Now is the time to be forthright, clear, and firm in your position. Don’t hesit ate to engage in confrontation and ensure that you are standing on solid ground.
Rams are known for their ability to see 360 degrees around themselves, making them challenging to sneak up on. During this time, your vision is sharp, and you can perceive people’s true intentions. If your instincts are warning you about someone, it’s cruc ial to heed them. With the ram spirit by your side, you’ll be able to uncover any actions taken against you, even if they are behind your back.
The ram’s horns wrap around its head, giving it a regal stance. Its preferred habitat is climbing challenging rocky cliffs, and it is known to summit peaks that no other animal can reach. This signifies your elegance and regal nature as you ascend to great heights in your career. However, this journey requires the courage to push yourself to the top.

Rams are surefooted and can climb terrain where other animals wouldn’t dare tread. Now is the time when you can take on both external and internal competitors. Don’t fear climbing higher in your career, even if it means pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. The ram card emphasizes that you can keep your footing and successfully make the jump.

The card also underscores that you should not shy away from any headwinds you might be facing. On the contrary, double down, lean in, and charge forward with everything you have. Channel all your energy and force into any challenges you are confronting. This is not a moment for half measures; go full tilt with 100% of your efforts, and success will follow.
The sun is the giver of life, warmth, and light. This card emphasizes that you will now bask in the glory of success. It signifies that what you are currently working on will evolve into a highly successful project, or perhaps the project is already experi encing success. The sun card represents success and happiness, indicating that you are approaching a phase in your career where you will harvest the fruits of your labo labour. Your hard work and commitment are paying off, akin to a farmer witnessing his cultiv ated crop bathed in warm sunlight, anticipating an abundant harvest. Likewise, you are on the brink of a bountiful harvest and will experience immense happiness.
The card may also suggest that if you are contemplating something new, it will be a highly successful venture. At this juncture in your career, the wind is in your sails, and the sun is shining on your face. The sunlight, a form of energy, symbolizes the e nergy and strengths highlighted in this card. You will be brimming with enthusiasm and vitality, and possess an excellent constitution.

The sun card underscores transparency and clarity in any project you undertake. Your work will be pure and hono honourable. Like a beam of sunlight containing all the colo colours of the rainbow, you will be able to touch on various areas of your business with great success. Your perspective and efforts will extend across organizational boundaries and corporate divisions, contributing to the success of your initiative.

Now is the time to leverage your strengths and ensure you are positioned to do what you do best. Delegate tasks that de energize you and concentrate on those that invigorate and excite you. Just as a tree grows in the direction of the sun, you can only flo urish in the direction of your strengths. Don’t be overly concerned about your shortcomings; instead, enlist others to handle aspects of the job where you may not excel, maximizing the energy and time you invest in doing what you do best.

The sun represents both basking in the warmth of its light and driving extreme growth. You will now enjoy recognition for your efforts while simultaneously experiencing a significant growth spurt. You are sailing forward with the power of the sun’s spirit.

The eagle is a diverse hunter, consuming other birds and reptiles, and even snatching a fish directly from the water. Its razor sharp talons rarely, if ever, slip when reaching for its prey. This signifies that once you lock your vision on your target, you will achieve your goal with 100% certainty. The eagle can be found both on the ground and at 20,000 feet in the air, emphasizing the need to have a clear vision and operate at a high level, while also being involved in the details of your business.

The eagle is often depicted soaring high in the sky above all other animals and birds. In this instance, it carries a divine meaning and is often associated with a project or initiative supported by your higher power. You may now experience doors opening that were previously closed and opportunities being presented to you.

Known for its vision and focus, the eagle can identify its prey from a distance and swiftly make a kill. It is effective, swift, and decisive. Now is the time to ensure that your vision and career direction are clear. Work to have a precise view of the future and take swift action towards it.

Being engaged in the nuts and bolts of your business is crucial. Even when the eagle is at 20,000 feet, it can see every grain of sand from the sky, possessing the best vision of any animal on the planet. Maintain a clear vision and lofty goals, but keep your eyes on the details and get your feet on the ground from time to time. Success will be yours, turning you into an unstoppable force of nature that competitors cannot touch.

The eagle symbolizes strength, bravery, courage, and fearlessness. You will be energized to face all challenges, knowing there is no reason to be anxious, nervous, or worried. The eagle card highlights that facing challenges with courage will lead to victory.

Representing honesty and justice, the eagle does not use trickery to catch its prey. It flies openly, revealing the truth, and people will not be able to deceive you, provided you stay alert. The eagle is an excellent fisher, symbolizing your ability to mo netize your career. Now is the time when you will see monetary rewards effortlessly and identify how to optimize profit and maximize revenues.

The eagle card forewarns of challenges or a storm in your career. Unlike other birds seeking refuge during a storm, the eagle flies higher to stay above it. In facing your storm, increase your efforts with elegance and class, emulating the regal nature of the eagle. This approach will win the hearts and minds of your team, propelling your career to new levels and positioning you for significant leadership roles. Success will be yours.

The dog is a symbol of unconditional love, often forming deep bonds with its human companions. It is a loyal animal that frequently captures the heart of its owner. The dog card highlights that you are someone who cares deeply about your team and can, at ti mes, be self sacrificing. The dogs in the card are of the Cane Corso breed, the original Roman war dog, proudly marching into battle alongside ancient Roman soldiers. This fiercely loyal dog would fight to the death, often protecting its owner’s body even after the soldier had fallen in battle.

This card is telling you that now is the time to showcase your loyalty and protect your boss or manager. It’s time to look out for their best interests, even to the point of risking yourself. The dog is a natural protector, and this card suggests it’s time to be vigilant. This can also extend to your finances, so be extra careful about where your money is going and ensure it’s not going to anyone who shouldn’t have it. You may need some extra cash soon, so keep a tight grip on your purse strings.

The dog’s loyalty is highly rewarded with various incentives, ensuring your dedication will be generously recognized. As a pack animal, it is crucial at this time in your career to be a team player and work effectively with the rest of the team. A pack of dogs hunts harmoniously and strategically to kill their prey, emphasizing the need for you to synchronize your work with your cohorts to complement their efforts. The key now is to know when to lead and when to follow, understanding that the best leaders a re also great followers.

The dog card can also signify that now is the time for selfless services, such as volunteering with your favourite charity or providing community service. Getting involved in your company’s corporate social responsibility or helping the homeless and contributing to your local food shelter may be needed. As the saying goes, “ The greatest gift is giving,” and these may be wise words for you to follow at this juncture in your career.

The dog is also one of the most playful animals globally, and choosing this card can mean that you need to take more time to play and enjoy your life. Just as a dog will never miss an opportunity to cut loose and play with the people it loves, maybe you’ve been all work and no play, and now it’s time to take advantage of any chance to play with your loved ones, family, and friends. Schedule some time for play this week.

The negative side of the dog card is that you may be prone to jealousy and possessiveness. Similar to how a dog can become jealous when attention is given to one and not the other, pulling the dog card can mean that you should avoid being overly possessive or jealous in your relationships. This card is telling you to let go of control and avoid being overbearing in any of your relationships right now.

The pegasus is one of the strongest cards to choose in the deck. It embodies the relationship between reality and fantasy, being a part horse, a very real animal, while also having wings and a unicorn’s horn that bring brings its mythical aspects to life. It transcends both reality and fantasy, much like any successful business. This could be a time when you have an idea that you ar are trying to bring into reality, straddling the two extremes of a continuum. One foot is firmly based in reality, representing your expe riences, capabilities, and the business you have done until now. The other foot is loosely padding itself in fantasy, where you can envision a better outcome and way of doing things, such as your new product or service. The vision you have and the business results you have achieved to date will now come together as you create the next chapter of your success and bring your ideas out of your mind and into the world.

Unicorns are known for its ability to conduct magic. As the pegasus has a unicorn’s horn, this card highlights that now you will have a magical moment in your career associated with wealth creation, business, and manifestation. To achieve this, you will need to use all your faculties of mind, spirit, experiences, skills, capabilities, and everything you have ever learned, which will come together in this moment. To produce magic, a magician must use all the elements: earth, water, air, fire, and spirit. This is the time when you will use everything you have ever known to be successful, and when you do, your success will be tremendous.

To achieve this moment, you will also need to have a balance between your inner world and your outer world. You will need to have a settled and stable ego, and only at this stage in your development are you ready for such a powerful state. Only once the magic flows inside you can it flow externally. Remember that you are powerful; create your inner world, and the outer will follow.

This is the time to take action and bring your vision into reality. Tap into your full potential and leave nothing for tomorrow. Expand your full energy and use your full strength in pursuit of your goals now. If you hold back even in the slightest, you will miss your opportunity. It is 100% or nothing at this juncture in your life. Use your power to create what you desire most.

Your creativity and positive energy will now reach one of the highest levels in your career. You will not just capitalize on opportunities but will be creating opportunities not just for yourself but for those around you as well. Whatever you set your mind to now will be a success. It is now that you will manifest a nything you put into your mind. Engage your willpower, drive, and ambition at this time. It is time to take the leash off and go for gold. At the root of any success is discipline and focus. Have the courage to chase your dreams and focus on working towards making them a reality now! You will enter into a period of prosperity and abundance.

The lion is the symbol of the king of the jungle. It is the king of beasts, walking proudly among the denizens of the animal kingdom with a regal elegance rarely echoed by any other creature. The lion is not the biggest, fastest, or strongest, but it is still the king. Why? Because of its attitude, its mindset; it embodies the psychology of a winner.

This lion card is highlighting to you that it is your attitude that will determine your altitude. This cannot be truer, for the flying lion has wings. The wings on the lion signify that now is the time for you to move up as your career takes flight. However, the wings also represent hard work, as any flying animal must flap its wings, and the higher it goes, the more it has to work. Therefore, the opportunity for you to rise is very real, but you have to work for it, and remember, work because you’re worth it.

The winged lion is a mythical creature used to protect cities in antiquity. It is also the symbol of Babylon, referenced in the Bible. Babylon is the birthplace of civilization, with the first laws and written governance being created, as per modern knowledge. The mythical aspect of this card highlights a divine act of providence that will fuel your success, and the reference to Babylon highlights the tremendous and long lasting impact your work will now have.


It may be that you are now approaching a time in your career when you will begin working on your Corpus Maxus or seminal contribution to your career, or perhaps you will be contributing to the canon of your profession. Either way, there are spiritual forces of mythical proportions at play that will fuel your success. Just as a strong headwind can help a bird take flight, it still has to do the work to fly to any significant height. Now is the time to work harder than you ever have, as success will be yours.

The turtle in the card is a Giant Leatherback Turtle. The turtle is a peaceful herbivore, graceful, and, despite its considerable weight and bulkiness, able to glide through the water with hypnotic ease. Often referred to as slow, the turtle can travel further than many other animals, known to swim from the shores of Florida to the coasts of Australia.

It is a force of nature with the unwavering ability to travel thousands of miles at a time with little to no rest. This card can tell you to pace yourself and not get overexcited. The turtle is always calm and tranquil, yet with its unrushed approach to life, it covers more distance than many more agile and quicker animals.

The turtle card tells you that you must approach your work with serenity and peace. Do not rush anything you are working on now; instead, work methodically with a zen like calmness. Be like a ship with a deep stern, unaffected by rough seas or deadly headwinds, as the turtle swims underwater undisturbed by tumultuous waters.

The turtle also represents navigation and the ability to travel the globe without getting lost. Even underwater with no point of reference, the turtle never loses its way. Similarly, you will navigate through complex business issues, cutting through the no ise to focus on the important points for success.

Dive deep into your work, root yourself in steadfast self confidence, and know in your heart that you will finish what you are working on with tremendous results. The turtle is protected by an impenetrable shell. You too now have divine protection, and eff orts by enemies or ill intentioned individuals will be thwarted by divine intervention. You are invincible, and any attempts to hinder your success will go unnoticed. Like the turtle catching a fast current, you will catch easy breaks that accelerate your progress. Stay calm, have faith, and believe in yourself; you are on the right path, crossing the finish line with stellar results.

The salamander is an animal that represents wealth. It is amphibious and highlights your ability to be flexible, underscoring the importance of being able to switch your operating style on a dime. Be ready to pivot and change directions, and you will snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. It can easily avoid the worst storms by diving to the bottom of the pond and waiting for the storm to pass. You too may need some alone time to recharg e your batteries and then come back to the office with newfound energy. The salamander represents the ability to rejuvenate and regenerate itself. This card is telling you the salamander spirit is with you, and you will soon feel refreshed and well rested.

The salamander represents an abundance of material wealth, and at this moment, you will be able to close deals and attract profitable clients. The salamander has the unique ability to hibernate and survive harsh winters by lying dormant at the bottom of th e pond. While it seems fragile, it is quite resilient and can survive tough conditions by lying low during extreme weather. This is telling you that now might be the time to lie low.

If you want to ask for a raise or a promotion, make sure the company is doing well, and it’s the right time to do so. Also, ensure your manager is in the right frame of mind. The decision maker you need to give you the thumbs up might be going through a negative emotional experience, and you may be better off waiting until the storm passes before approaching them. The key here is to pay attention to your timing. Everything has a rhythm and ebb and flow, so make sure you are in sync with what is going on wit h your leadership and company before proposing anything.

The salamander has a magical quality to it, as ancient civilizations believed the salamander could withstand fire. It was seen to bring good luck and has a spiritual connection to change. If you are going through a complicated change right now, the salaman der card is telling you that all will be fine, and perhaps you will experience some magical opportunities soon.

The moth is one of the more spiritual animals as it can see at night, when most other animals are blind. This card signifies that you will be able to see your way through a difficult time, or you will maintain your vision and focus on your key objectives when your colleagues and competitors may lose sight of theirs

The moth also highlights the feminine area of the subconscious. It may represent a strong spiritual female who may enter your life and provide direction or inspiration. Alternatively, it can mean that you will become more in touch with your subconscious and spiritual inner voice. Quiet your mind and stop looking for rational, empirical, data-driven answers and reasons. This is the time to have faith, believe in yourself, and trust your inner voice. Your gut feeling is the right one to follow at this time.

The moth is also a symbol of change and transformation as it starts life as a caterpillar and then cocoons to become a moth. This can be a moment when you feel a change inside yourself, perhaps a spiritual shift and a maturity of spirit as you come to trust yourself and your intuition. You will have increased self-confidence and will not be easily influenced by others. At this time, be careful not to let external influences drive your decision-making process. Let your internal voice and drivers determine the direction you choose. You are ready for the next chapter of your career. Embrace change, and you will find success.

The negative side of the moth is that sometimes a bright light on in the middle of the night can distract the moth and stop it from reaching its destination. Or as the saying goes, “like a moth to a flame,” in which the unwary moth flies into the fire attracted by the light of the flame. Make sure you are not being distracted by shiny things, as they are not what they seem. To avoid this, you must do two things: go slowly and cautiously, and stay true to yourself. Remember, you will have the greatest vision by looking inside rather than out.

Moths are often attributed to ruining clothes, but maybe you did not know that silk is made from the cocoons of moth larvae. Thus, the moth card can be telling you that right now, perhaps your situation is challenging or unattractive, but keep working, as you are going to produce a beautiful outcome, just like the silkworm that produces a beautiful piece of silk. It will be a metamorphic process that will make dramatic changes to your career once the process is complete.

The fox is one of the most cunning, skillful, and strategic animals. It is highly intelligent and known to outsmart its opponents. It is also agile and quick, giving it the ability to outflank its challengers and prey alike. The fox is also a beautiful animal associated with sex appeal.

Now is the time in your career to be strategic. Be thoughtful and ensure you are thinking five plays ahead of the game. As they say in football, do not go to the ball, go to where the ball is going to be. It is your foresight that will afford you success at this moment in your career.

Go back to your business school books and pull out your strategic frameworks. Open your Excel sheet and start getting into the numbers and making your forecasts. Whether it is scenario planning or brainstorming new innovative approaches, make sure you now have a long-term strategic view for your career. Business planning and modeling will be helpful for you now.

You must not go slowly; the fox is quick and agile, and so too must you be. Work quickly and cover ground as fast as you can. Be decisive and succinct in your decisions and communication. Do not waste time.

The fox is also a lone hunter. Do not invest your resources with partners, as the fox has the self-confidence to wander into the woods at night by itself and find its prey. This is the part of your journey that you have to walk alone. Be wary of partners and fair- weather friends; they will only slow you down, rob you of your ability to be agile, and water down your ideas so that you can no longer create impact. To be successful, you must implement your ideas and have the autonomy and freedom to course-correct them with haste.

This card is also telling you that this is a time when your charisma and sex appeal are at their highest. People and business partners will be attracted to you. People will want to do business with you. You may be working on a sexy project that has visibility. This is the time to pitch your big idea or do that important presentation, as the fox card is telling you that you are going to hit a home run, so make sure you get up to bat and take a swing at the ball. Your next swing will most likely be a home run.

The beaver is an industrious animal, a builder, and is known for changing its environment. It will build dams and is also one of the few animals on the planet that will build itself a house. It is resourceful and has a feverish work ethic. It will cut down the biggest oak tree but will do it in little bites. This is telling you that you must approach your work in little bite-sized chunks.

The high value of the beaver pelt means that you will be protected, and any harsh environment will have a limited effect on you. This card can tell you that you will be able to keep your profitability during a market crash or that your business will outperform the market. That is, while your competition goes through a difficult time, you will not feel it as badly.

Beavers work together in a team and live together in harmony. This is the time when you must work effectively with your team members. The beaver card is telling you now that you cannot work independently at this juncture of your career. You have to put extra effort into building your team and contributing to a great team environment.

The beaver can transform large areas of nature by building dams and flooding areas, creating ponds and small lakes. This may signify that the project you are working on will have farther-reaching effects than your immediate organization. You may be about to be part of a project that impacts your community, society, or a larger group.

To follow the advice of the beaver card, now is the time to work hard and not get demotivated by large tasks or behemoth projects, or let yourself become overwhelmed. Break your work down into small parts and systematically work at delivering in a group environment and make sure you leverage the full ability of your team.

The caribou is the zenith of endurance and resilience as they have earned the accolade of having the longest land migration in the world at about 1,200 km per year. This card is telling you that you must now travel and see new places and visit professionals from new countries for you to continue growing. It is also telling you that the key elements you are working on now will go on to grow into much larger projects which will keep you occupied for years to come.

This card is also telling you that now is the time for you to work the room professionally. Perhaps you will soon be attending a trade show or industry event, and this card is telling you that you should aim to make a splash and be a social butterfly. Your cosmic aura will be shining and fully activated when you participate in any group activities or large-scale event. The caribou is also a herd animal and survives by following a group mentality. Their large numbers can overwhelm predators and the power of the herd can even transform the landscape as huge migration trails are carved into the landscapes by the methodical drumming of the Caribou’s hooves. This is telling you that now is the time to follow the herd with pace.

The caribou card is telling you that now is the time to fully follow your leadership as the caribou do not question which way the herd is going; they just run passionately with their full faculties applied. In this manner, you will cover the most ground, and by keeping your head down and following your peers, you will remove a lot of the risk out of your career. When all is said and done, and you come up for air, you will be surprised at how far you have come.

The herd also takes care of each other, and now you may encounter a work colleague who is looking out for you or might take you under their wing. This can be in the form of a mentor or perhaps it might just be a caring person who gives you a helpful nudge from the sidelines. In any event, you will now benefit from greater collaboration from your team at work.

The caribou is an animal that develops fast and can walk almost immediately after birth. This is highlighting that at this point in your career, you will now be a quick study and will be able to learn new technologies or approaches with haste. If you were thinking of taking a course or upskilling yourself, this card is telling you that now is the time to do it as you will pass with flying colours and the learning will come easily to you. It may also be a time now when you have developed the maturity to value learning, and you are now a person who appreciates knowledge that has a practical application, especially to your work.

The caribou is also able to maintain a fast pace for long periods of time. This animal does not tire easily and can run for long periods of time. This card tells you that you need to settle at a fast pace that you will need to maintain for several weeks to reach your destination.

Your situation is a classic case of the medium is the message, as your approach to your goal will be more intimidating to your competition than the actual achievement of the goal. The caribou card is telling you to work through the weekend and push through long workdays with gusto as your pace will psychologically impact your competition. As they see your commitment and work ethic, they will lose the inspiration required to keep up with you. So, lean in, go hard, and watch your competitors fall by the wayside.

The butterfly is universally a sign of change as it starts life as a larva and caterpillar and then cocoon, only to emerge as a beautiful flying insect. This is now a time of transformation and change for you, and with this transformation come comes new opportunities.
The butterfly is also an attractive insect, and as such, you will now have charm, as people will stop and take notice of you. This may mean you have a media splash or get featured in your company newsletter. In any event, just as people take notice of a butterfly as it flutters by, so too will you be able to grab people’s attention and get them to take notice of whatever it is you are working on.

The butterfly grows motherless and can fend for itself from birth. This signifies that it is now time to have the courage to work independently. If you are thinking of getting into a partnership, do not do it just yet. Start on your own and get your hands dirty.

The butterfly card highlights that while you may question your ability, you will be just fine and encourages you to take the leap, spread your wings, and fly.

The cockroach is one of the most resilient and resourceful animals on the planet. It can live almost anywhere and eat almost anything. This card highlights the need for resilience at this stage of your career. You may be exposed to a toxic manager or a difficult work environment, but rest assured, you will make it through this situation just fine. As the saying goes, “God brought you to it, God will bring you through it.”

The cockroach is one of the few animals to survive the great extinction of the dinosaurs, so this card highlights that no matter how big the calamity that you are facing, you will make it through and may even come out the other end of this better than when you went in.

The cockroach often represents money and career success and highlights that whatever it is that you are working on will be financially successful. However, it will require you to be flexible, resourceful, and quick to pivot. You may be starting a new busin ess, a new job, or a new project, and this card emphasizes that you may need to change direction or approach it in an innovative way to be successful.

The cockroach is the king of hitching a ride. It will often get free passage on your shoe, a shopping bag, your backpack, or another mode of transport. This card is telling you that now is a good time to collaborate with another party or create a joint ven ture so you can hitch a ride on their brand strength or piggyback on their efforts to catapult your project forward. The cockroach is the most resourceful animal on the planet, and this card tells you that now your success depends not on how many resources you have but on how resourceful you are.

The cockroach has a great sense of community and never lives alone. They have a complex social system and work together to find food, shelter, and a home for the group. This can be a good time for you to get in touch with your community. You may also consider organizing an industry event that gives back to society.

The cockroach is also effective in the dark or the light, in the night or the day. You too must be open to working long hours and getting into your work at odd times. Whether it is weekends, evenings, or maybe working through your lunch break, you need to approach your work with a new level of verve, brio, and gumption. The cockroach will also prefer dark places, so it is telling you to embrace your darkness; the parts of yourself you do not like might be your greatest assets.

Finally, the cockroach is relentless. It never quits, it never gives up; it will try, try, and try again. So, you too must have the highest level of resolve and tenacity in your career. If you do this, success will be yours.

The chameleon is one of the most famous lizards as it can change colours. It is a master of disguise and can hide itself well. At the same time, the chameleon is also renowned for standing out; when it is in a good mood or wants to attract a mate, it can decorate itself with wonderful hues of magenta, sapphire red, emerald greens, and aquamarine blues. The message of this card is best described by the song by Kenny Rogers, “The Gambler,” when he sings, “You have to know when to hold when to fold ‘em, when to walk away, and when to run…”

This card is telling you that you will need to vacillate between blending in and, at very select moments, bringing visibility to your results and successes, then blending back into the team. This must be done with tact and effortless finesse, just as the chameleon effortlessly changes its colours.

The chameleon has some of the most unique eyes in the animal kingdom and can move them independently of each other. This represents now as the time when you will have tremendous vision and strong perception, and maybe even the ability to know what is going to happen before it happens. The chameleon can see more colours than humans can, and they can see ultraviolet light. This means you will be able to see things your work colleagues or peers cannot. Listen to your intuition now and pay close attention to your gut feeling, as the chameleon card is telling you that your psychic ability is at an all-time high now.

The chameleon also has one of the longest tongues in the animal kingdom, highlighting that at this point in your career, you need to think about niches as the chameleon has very specialized adaptations geared to eating crickets, bugs, and small insects. You too must look at developing specialized skills and capabilities to service a niche target market. As the idiom goes, “There are riches in niches.” Now is the time in your career to specialize.

The axolotl is one of the more unique animals that you can choose. It is most renowned for its healing ability. It can regrow limbs and is immune to cancer. If you or a loved one is now experiencing a health issue, be assured you will enjoy a speedy recovery. If you have suffered a loss in your business or have gotten a “gut punch” in your career, you will surely bounce back quickly. This card is telling you it is now time for self-love and self-care.

The axolotl card highlights your ability to bounce back from calamity and rejuvenate yourself after weathering a storm. The axolotl is also a symbol of happiness and joy. This can signify that while you may have gone through a tough time, you will fully heal from it and will be entering a moment of happiness and a time when you will be enjoying your work.

The axolotl stays forever young due to its ability to rejuvenate itself. This is telling you that it is now time to get in touch with your inner child and the positive aspects of your youth. As young people are full of energy, innovative, creative, and intellectually curious. Now is the time to embrace these traits.

Axolotls have the ability of electroreception, which allows them to sense weak electric fields emitted by living organisms. They have a strong sense of smell, and their eyes have no eyelids, meaning their eyes are always open. This means you will now have excellent vision and the ability to read people who you are working with. If you are getting a weird feeling from someone or an uncomfortable gut feeling, pay attention; this is your axolotl spirit warning you about them.

The axolotl card is telling you that you must use all types of data points about a situation, person, or business dealing. Just as the axolotl uses electroreception, vision, smell, and all its senses to evaluate an encounter, so shall you do your due diligence. In this case you are dealing with, you should make extra efforts to get data from a source you normally would not use, such as a private investigator, to do an extra deep dive on your subject. Be very thorough in your next business transaction or interaction, as the axolotl is telling you to keep your eyes open and listen to all your senses.

The camel is one of the most symbolic animals on the planet. It has been the foundation stone of some nomadic people of the desert and represents resilience in many countries. One of the hallmarks of this animal is its ability to endure harsh environments with ease. It can take extreme temperatures and last for one or two weeks without water. This card is telling you that while there may be tough times ahead, you will not be affected by the challenging times. Perhaps you have a safe harbor somewhere or your particular business is in a niche that will not be battered by the economic challenges other sectors will face

The camel is one of the few animals whose milk is consumed by humans. A pregnant camel produces milk for one to one and a half years. People have drunk camel’s milk for thousands of years and have even gone on to make products from it. This part of the camel card is telling you that now you will be extremely productive, and your labour will bear the fruits that many will enjoy. It may also be that your product or service or new business idea will deliver recurring revenue once set up. This means that you will enjoy profits from your project numerous times, not just once, as the camel produces milk continuously.

The camel is a very strong animal and can carry supplies, bedding, and people long distances. At its heart, the camel is a traveller and the preferred mode of transport for many nomadic people. This highlights that now is a time in your career when you will be very industrious and will be a great asset to your employer, company, or team. You will be able to carry people with you across terrain few others can traverse. You may now help your team cover some very difficult terrain, and it is only with your specific experience and knowledge that you will know which are the right choices for them. You will be instrumental and impactful in the team’s success as they will be dependent on you for part of the project. This can also be a good time to ask for a raise or a promotion.

The tiger shark is an animal of spiritual significance to many cultures. It embodies the masculine side of the water element. This can signify a powerful and accomplished executive who may enter your life at this point and provide support, investment, or mentorship. Keep your eyes open, as managing this new relationship correctly can be a game-changer for you. The water element is the provider of life, as all living things need water, and the ocean is where life began on Earth. Where there is water, life will prosper. This is a prosperous time for your career and a time when your ideas and projects will be nurtured.

The tiger shark is a very successful hunter, and it can also be indiscriminate in its choice of prey. It is one of the most dangerous fish in the sea and one of the most powerful. It is an apex predator and is at the top of the food chain. It is also highly focused, and once it selects its prey, it will not let it get away. This card is telling you now is the time to chase your goals with all your passion, if you apply all your faculties and are completely focused, you will achieve them.

The tiger shark spends much of its life alone. It hunts alone and rarely collaborates with other tiger sharks. This card is telling you that now you must believe in yourself and embody the highest level of self-reliance. The shark does not live in schools like other fish. In addition, when you are swimming in the ocean, you are disconnected from the ground and your roots. The sea is massive and can make you feel isolated. At this moment in your career, you may feel alone, but do not worry; your efforts will be fruitful, but you need to take this leg of your journey in solitude.

Do not try to comfort yourself by getting a partner or teaming up with a colleague; your success will rely on your ability to trust your senses and your instincts. The shark is one of the most instinctive animals on the planet and even can pick up its prey’s heartbeat through electro-sensors on its nose and body. You must work now with your sixth sense and trust your reflexes.

The shark has one of the highest constitutions of any animal and is immune to cancer. This is a time when your immune system will be strong, and you will be immune to any evil deeds your enemies may plan for you. If you have any haters in the office, any attempts they have to harm you will have no impact on you. You are now protected by the tiger shark spirit, and as such, this can be a good time to take on internal challenges. However, only if it is necessary for you to achieve your goals; remember the tiger shark does not get distracted or lose focus.

The tiger shark is one of the oldest animals on the planet, as sharks are as old as the dinosaurs and were able to evade the extinction event. This card highlights your ability to sidestep or circumvent any major calamity. This can mean that if there are layoffs at work, you will not be included in those let go or if the market is contracting, your clients will stay loyal to you and help carry you through the frosty bear market that may be approaching.

The shark also lives for 100 years or more, and this signifies that your work now will have long-lasting effects. Your project or initiative is sustainable and will last a long time. This can mean that what you are working on or building will be stable and productive over the ages and will outlast the market cycles.

The tiger shark, while dangerous and merciless, is also elegant and classy as it swims effortlessly through the water. It is a very efficient animal. Its side-to-side movement can be seductive and almost hypnotic to watch. This means your sex appeal will be higher at this time, and your cohorts and peers will find you more attractive than usual. You should look for ways to be more efficient with your work, and perhaps tasks that you used to find challenging you will now be able to complete effortlessly.

The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. It is regal and majestic. It is also seen as one of the most intelligent animals on the planet. This card can signify that you will have a VIP personality enter your life who will provide you with assistance or advice. This interaction with a “blue whale” personality is rare, but the experience will last a lifetime.

While the blue whale is one of the largest animals to ever exist, it moves effortlessly through the water. It is a calm and relaxed animal. Now is a time in your career when things will move naturally for you if you are patient. Do not rush things; this is the time to let things happen naturally.

Blue whales are paternalistic and often mother their young for a long time. This card is telling you that you must be in touch with your mother instinct. This is the time to mentor someone in your workplace and try to give back to the younger generation coming up behind you. Remember that the greatest gifts in life you can only receive by giving them away. That is if you want love, you must first give love; if you want respect, you must give respect; if you want knowledge, first you must give your knowledge away. At this time, if you try to give all you have learned to your mentee, you will be amazed to watch your knowledge multiply exponentially, for by teaching, you will unknowingly become the student.

The blue whale is a master communicator, and whales are known for having one of the most sophisticated languages on earth after humans. This card is telling you that now is the time to communicate with your cohorts and colleagues to bring your team closer together. Whales form close bonds with each other, so this card is telling you now is the time to reach out and let your coworkers know how much you appreciate them. Your communication in this moment will not only be crystal clear but you will also be naturally charming, as whales are often said to sing when they speak.

Whales mate for life and experience true love for one another. This card is telling you that your true passion at work will now reveal itself and your work is already or will soon become a labour of love, beyond your paycheck. Moving forward, you will find your true purpose and meaning in your work, and this will boost your energy levels. The whale is a symbol of energy, and you can expect to feel recharged once your true purpose is revealed to you.

The blue whale is known for its ability to dive deep into the sea and hold its breath for as long as 90 minutes. This is now a time to take a deep dive into your profession. Take time to become an expert in this niche area you are working in. Plunge yourself into your work and make a massive effort to acquire information, papers, books, periodicals, and thesis papers on the specific area of your profession. There is a gem waiting to be found, and your efforts will be highly rewarded. Remember the farmer who farms wheat has no clue he is sitting on an oil field until he drills deep into the earth. You too may be sitting on a gold mine, but you are required now to dig deep to find it.

This can also represent a need to dive deep into yourself as deep water is often symbolic of the subconscious mind. You may have deep-rooted drivers or motivations which, once unearthed, will make you more powerful than ever. It is time to sit still and ensure your relationship with yourself is well, and then all your external relationships will fall into place. Remember, we can only see our reflection in the pond if the water is still. It is now time to be calm, still, and collected, and in this stillness, take the time for deep self-reflection. If you do this, you will have remarkable insights that will open up bottlenecks that were previously stifling your professional development.