How To Interview


Interviewing is an art as much as it is a science. My course will teach you both. Not only will I show you how to answer the most common questions, but I will show you the psychology behind the questions, why it is being asked and what the sub-text of the dialogue is. I will cover the 16 most common interview questions, how to use the STAR and CAR methodologies, and how to use body language to your advantage. I will share with you the industries’ techniques and how to beat them.

It is not the best Candidate who gets the job, It’s the best Convincer. Invest time now in your interview skills and look like a star during your interview so you can land your dream job.

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that ensure that you will ace any interview.

60% of the

questions of predictable. Shane can help you train how to answer them.

“I was going to interview after interview, always getting asked back and being one of the finalist candidates for the roles, but I would never get the job. After a two-hour session with Shane and a make over of my personal brand I went to an interview and got a job offer on the same day.”

Eric Carpenter, marketing manager

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Course Includes

  • 31 Lessons

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